Tuesday 22 May 2012

Nothing quite like a good old chin-wag!

For those of you who have met Lisa and I personally you'll know we LOVE to talk! (As it's Claire writing this I can say Lisa REALLY LOVES to talk!!) We think that meeting or talking on the phone with our clients and contacts and chatting through their objectives, needs and marketing dreams is so much more productive than relying on email.

Of course email has its place and most of us would be lost without it but I have once again today been blown away by the power of picking up the phone!

I am "selling" a story into the regional press for a client - it's a great story, a huge amount of money raised for charity, some great pictures but it's never easy getting coverage in the press.

The lazy way to send out a release is to just email it to the generic newsdesk@ email address of the publication, wait and see if there's any coverage.

But here at One to Three we don't do lazy.

We pick up the phone, we chat to the journalist, we remind them they ran a piece on the build up to the event last year, we are charming, helpful and we send well written press releases and clear well captioned images.

The result is not only coverage for our clients but relationships being built with journalists.

So why not try peeking out from behind your email for a change and you might just see a whole new world!!!!