Wednesday 25 September 2013

WIBN Conference 2013 - our highlights!

Hanbury Manor was the setting for the first ever WIBN conference and it was exciting to see almost 150 women in the room....what a force to be reckoned with!! Both myself and Lisa attended, as WIBN members we  ere excited to be part of this conference and it didn't disappoint.

The first guest speaker was Helen Roberts, MD of CPG Executive Consulting Ltd. Her biography shared that she set up in business aged just 25 and made £1million in her first year trading! Wow!!

Her presentation shared with us her belief that hard work, planning and positive mindset are three key ingredients to business success.  Can't argue with that!

She recommended we all change our mindset to be positive not negative and plan! Have a business plan in place, draw up a marketing plan (oh we know people who can help with that!!) and know what makes you different.

She told us to delegate where we needed to, communicate and be courageous. Don't stop developing personally or professionally - live life to the full and continue to learn and have vision for what you want out of life.

How can that fail to inspire?  

A quick coffee break and a chance to chat with other members from around the UK before the wonderful Jennie Bond took the floor.


She commanded the room, was fascinating - she really has worked her way up the media ladder from cub reporter in Richmond to sub editor at the BBC and then Royal correspondent. I loved her honesty - she said the Royals didn't really interest her when she got the job (!) but for 10 years she followed them around the world reporting on every step they made. She shared the relationship she built with princess Diana (now there's an off the record note book I'd like to read); she shared a gaff she made whilst speaking with the Queen....the room was enraptured! She also shared the juggle of this International career with her role as a Mum - her husband took on the role of 'house-hubby' and they are clearly a great team.

Jennie Bond quit as royal correspondent because she wanted a new challenge, she felt she had done all she could and admitted that although she had a financial cushion she was scared......but what a good feeling being scared was.

Her big leap was taking part in I'm a Celebrity

......she said she loved it. Her husband didn't want her to do it....her daughter did and she thought "why not."  (The picture to the left shows her underground surrounded by rats and snakes - yuck! But she did the challenge!) She explained how this u-turn in her career saw her suddenly being viewed differently by the media and TV execs and she now works on programmes very far removed from her serious news days (she even appeared on Stars in their Eyes as Blondie!) But she is  loving it.....and making more money than ever before. Has she sold out?....I say NO she has pushed herself and is reaping the benefits, good for her!!!

Her message to the room was don't be scared of being scared, of change! Step out of your comfort zone and you may achieve great things!

Lisa and I got to meet her after her speech and she took the time to have a photo taken with Lisa and I?..a genuinely nice, inspiring lady (who looks amazing for 63!!) 

More open networking over lunch and some great connections were made in the room with much business card swapping!

The day was rounded off with the panel discussion where experts in finance and law answered questions from the audience.

For those of you who attended I hope you had as great a day as we did and for those of you who didn't, I urge you to consider attending if another event is held in 2014 ........even if just to take time out for you and be inspired by all of the business women in the room.

I can promise you won't come away disappointed!

Claire x

Wednesday 11 September 2013


If you’re fans of Hootsuite (and if you’re not…get yourself over to for a look around!) you may have heard the news that Pinterest and Gmail are now available on your Hootsuite dashboard.

The official word from Hootsuite is this:

Gmail app:“Monitor and manage email alongside your social communications with the Gmail app for HootSuite! Monitor multiple Gmail accounts, preview messages, publish, and more all from the HootSuite dashboard. Achieving inbox zero just got a lot easier.” 

The Gmail app is currently £1.49 per month and a 2-day free trial is on offer.

Viraltag for Pinterest app:“Pinterest management for brands and publishers are now available in the HootSuite dashboard! Pin, schedule and analyze Pinterest content with the ViralTag app for HootSuite. Easily distribute social content to Pinterest from the ViralTag stream, view key metrics including Clicks, Likes and Repins, search for pins and more.:

The Viraltag app is currently £3.49 per month and a 2-day free trial is on offer.

So what do these changes mean to you? Well we say, they can’t be a bad thing. Having that Hootsuite screen as your main communications dashboard works wonders for many of our clients. Our advice would be, give the free 2-day trials a go and make a decision based on how much value these apps will add to your day to day management and think about the time you’ll save not switching screens and logging on.

We love the functionality of Hootsuite  - for FREE you can have your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Foursquare and Mixi profiles all in one place - We’re sure you’ll be experts in no time…and if you need help you know where we are!
