Thursday 3 April 2014

Facebook - how to increase reach and engagement

Have you noticed that the 'reach' of posts on your Facebook business page have been less in the past few months?

If so you're not alone….A recent study found that companies' posts dropped from reaching 12% of their followers in October to just 6% by February.

Facebook has attributed this change to the fact that more and more businesses are joining the Facebook for Business platform - a typical Facebook user receives 1,500 posts per day from friends and pages and Facebook chooses around just 300 to appear in your news feed!
Don't despair though and certainly don't give up on Facebook for Business - it's still a fantastic marketing tool.
There's lots you can do:
1) Boost posts. For just a few pounds you can boost specific posts to increase their reach. Perfect for a big piece of news, a launch, an event (getting bums on seats!) or perhaps a competition
2) Advertise your Facebook page. Again not costing the earth a strategically timed ad can work wonders for your page growth.
3) Use Facebook Insights to analyse which posts are most popular with your audience.
4) Really consider your content. Facebook leans towards what it describes as 'quality content.'
So what is quality content? Here's a few tips:
1. The more relevant the content, the more likely people are to engage with it (which Facebook
loves!). So ask yourself, “will people share this or comment on it?”

2. Add value. Share tips and hints … think 'free' information also think about links to interesting
articles or customer testimonials. Google Alerts is a great place to find newsworthy content – a
daily or weekly email of the best news based on your keywords saves time and offers great content

3. Research suggests that posts containing photos get 53 percent more Likes, 104 percent more
comments, and 84 percent more clicks than those that do not. Videos also work well.

4. Research says that posts with less than 80 characters get 66 percent more engagement.

5. Facebook Insights will help you see which posts are driving the most engagement, views, and
reach. You can also review day of the week, time of day, and frequency of posts, as this will help you
optimize posting activity.

6. Don't think about 'selling' ask questions, use polls and “fill in the blank” posts to stimulate
engagement from fans. Think about your call to action.

7. Always reply to people who comment on posts with a comment of your own, and thank those who
Like or share your content. Not only is it polite it will encourage future engagement.

We help businesses to maximise their social media presence - from bespoke workshops to ongoing support ….. to find out more just drop us aline…….