Friday 5 April 2013

Time for a marketing 'spring-clean'?

Spring is most definitely in the air (really....despite the cold weather the daffodils are blooming and the baby lambs are skipping around the fields!)

So, why not give your own marketing a dust-off and a little “spring-clean”.

We are all so busy looking after our client requirements that we often
don’t have much time to invest in our own businesses.

So we thought we'd share a few free tools with you that might help
with your spring cleaning!

Everybody should have a free Google Account as you can then Make the
most of Google Places and Google Alerts. It's quick and easy to sign up at

If you struggle to keep on top of your social media then use a free
social media management tool like Hootsuite to
schedule messages and plan your social media for the month ahead.

Finally, if you are sending any email communications then always use a
management system like Mailchimp or Campaign Monitor. This will allow
you to measure the success of every email campaign, from opens to
click throughs.

If you’d like to know more about the free tools that can help with
your marketing, then please drop Lisa a line

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